April 30


The second annual Wellness In The City event, held this year at Hilton Hotel Liverpool, has been inundated with plaudits following a highly successful day packed with exhibitors and masterclasses.

Founder Clare Ellis, alongside business and life partner George Egginton, maintain that they now have the impetus to drive the one day showcase to the next level.

“We’ve already received deposits for next April’s event in Liverpool, such is the confidence brands have placed in us following this year’s event. Whilst our inaugural event was firmly aimed at practitioners and company’s offering wellbeing products and services, this year was different.

“We were approached by a number of household corporate names drawn from professional services ranks who saw 2024 as an opportunity to profile their investment in workplace wellbeing provision.

“In addition, we attracted the multiple award-winning Morecrofts Solicitors as lead sponsor, which was a real coup for us. We were also supported by LAWMED, The Medical Hub, international nutrition brand Zinzino, the MOVE Community, Health at Work part of Medicash Healthcare Group and the Ubiquity Collective.”

Dozens of masterclasses and exhibitors filled many rooms of the four star hotel, with a steady flow of guests all day from the 10am start until finishing at 4pm.

At lunchtime, the Ubiquity Collective held their Ritual networking event for businesses in partnership with Wellness In The City.

Rachel Coogan from Chasing The Stigma said: “It was a great day finding out about the amazing organisations across the city,”, whilst Magdalena Cholewa, managing director of leading UK compliance company SQR Group, commented on the outstanding nature of the event. “Clare and the team have outdone themselves!”

One masterclass speaker, Joel Jelen from sniffsighyawn.com, enthused: “The room was full to overflowing with people interested in breathwork and how to better manage their daily stresses. It was great to see such a response.

Suzanne Wootton from Health at Work, part of Medicash Healthcare Group, summed up the day perfectly. “It was a great event. It was also lovely to see friends, meet connections in person and meet many new people from the local and wider wellness space.  Thank you to Clare and all the wellness team.”

Alison Lobb, managing partner at Morecrofts Solicitors, the event sponsors, said, “At Morecrofts we were delighted to support this event as sponsors this year.  Having taken part in the panel discussion last year, and gained an insight into the type of issues discussed and the calibre of those both presenting and attending, it was a no-brainer to get on board. The wellbeing of our staff is of paramount importance to us, as we believe it should be to any business, and it was really interesting to hear from so many other experts, as well as to share our own knowledge and expertise, on the day.  A massive well done to Clare Ellis and all involved in Wellness in the City for highlighting these issues and creating this showcase of wellbeing issues for our city. The movement can only go from strength to strength”.


Headline pic: Morecroft Solicitors Millie Greenop preparing for the day’s event


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